By SITE Staff on Saturday, 28 June 2014
Category: Jihad

Jihadists Intensify Twitter Campaign Warning U.S. Against Iraq Intervention

Days after launching a campaign to direct threats to the U.S. in the event it intervenes in Iraq against the Islamic State in Iraq and Sham (ISIS), jihadists on Twitter have intensified their efforts, suggesting targets and inciting Muslims to act.

The campaign, which began on June 23, 2014, initially carried the Twitter hashtag “Friday of Warning to the American People,” but later used “CalamityWillBefallUS”. 

The user who spearheaded the campaign, “Rabita al-Ansar,” posted a lengthy message and series of threatening pictures on June 26, including one reading, “Any company in Arab countries which employ Americans is a legitimate target for every Muslim.” The user identified over a dozen companies, including Bank of America, Boeing, Brookings, Citibank, Coca Cola, Google, Lockheed Martin, Microsoft, Raytheon, and Shell.

The user also suggested targeting American doctors and embassies.

Jihadists on Twitter are currently tweeting the message with the “CalamityWillBefallUS” hashtag and posting pictures of the 9/11 attacks, Usama bin Laden, burning U.S. military vehicles, dead soldiers, and the White House and American flag ablaze.

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