KKK Warns of Retaliation over Confederate General’s Remains in Tennessee


The United Dixie White Knights of the Ku Klux Klan (UDWK) warned the Memphis City Council and Tennessee authorities of potential retaliation should the remains of Confederate General Nathan Bedford Forrest be removed from the Health Sciences Park in Memphis, Tennessee.

Following recent talks and calls for the eradication of Confederate symbols, members of the City Council voted to remove the Confederate general's remains and his statue. In response to this action, the UDWK issued a statement via their website that called the act a "declaration of war upon the Klan."

Part way through the letter, the UDWK called on the Tennessee Governor to act in their favor, or be prepared to face repercussions:

We call upon the Governor of Tennessee to stop this dog and pony show once and for all! As it is Tennessee that would be the battlefield of the War the leaders of Memphis are calling for. Going to war against such Ungodly people who wish to disturb the Grave of a man, who fought against the Tyranny that has taken control of the former republic of America would be a honor, but let the world know this war was not of our choosing.

UDWK: "We did not throw down the battle flag of war, but if you continue to attack, we can raise it!"

The group further warned:

We did not throw down the battle flag of war, but if you continue to attack, we can raise it! Is that what Memphis leaders wish? If so you Niggra's lay hands on Forests Grave. As that act will awaken the White Warriors of this land, men who will bring the hounds of hell on a Fiery path toward the drumbeats of your war.

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